Post Jobs, Projects and Hire Service Providers

Hire top service providers on-demand and enjoy exceptional quality at competitive prices

How it works

Post your auto care job, connect with trusted pros on demand, and hire for quality service at competitive rates

Group 48097515

1. Create your free account

Sign up in minutes and start hiring with ease

Group 48097515 (1)

2. Build your job, project post

Describe the service you need and set your budget

Group 48097515 (2)

3. Post your job, project

Publish your request and connect with top auto care pros

Pricing and Features

Posting a job on Car Taskers is free, giving you access to top auto care professionals. Need more features? Upgrade to a premium plan for added benefits and enhanced hiring tools—all at a low cost


Free never expires
Get Started
  • Unlimited job postings
  • Unlimited featured jobs
  • Unlimited project postings
  • 5 featured projects
  • Send Message
  • Send Job Invite
  • Limited Support
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Customer Stories

Real experiences from businesses and car owners who found car experts on Car Taskers

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I hire a service provider on Car Taskers?
Simply create a free account, post your job or project, and connect with qualified auto service professionals. Once you find the right provider, hire them and get the job done hassle-free
Is it free to post a job/project?
Yes! Posting a job/project on Car Taskers is completely free. If you want access to extra features, we offer low-cost subscription upgrades
How do I know I’m hiring a reliable professional?
Car Taskers verifies service providers and allows you to check reviews and ratings from previous customers before hiring. You can also chat with providers before booking to ensure they’re the right fit
How do payments work?
You pay securely through Car Taskers. Funds are held until the job is completed and approved, ensuring peace of mind for both you and the service provider.
What if I’m not satisfied with the service?
If the service provider doesn’t meet the agreed-upon expectations, you can request a resolution through our support team. We’ll work with both parties to find a fair solution, which may include a refund or service adjustment
What types of services can I hire for on Car Taskers?
You can hire professionals for a variety of auto care services, including mobile services, detailing, oil changes, battery replacements, scratch touch-ups, and more

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